Category Archives: Live Life On Purpose

Is it too soon for Sheryl Sandberg to be going back to work?

As someone who supports grieving individuals, a red flag of concern was raised in my mind when I read that Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg returned to work 10 days after the unexpected death of her husband David Goldberg.  She returned on a modified schedule, wanting to support her children through daily routine and the sense of normalcy that can bring.

Don’t take my red flag to imply that Sheryl Sandberg should not return to work.  Maybe it will be helpful to her, her family, and to Facebook.  And maybe it won’t.  There in lies the red flag – the “normal” of our daily lives is shattered the moment someone close to use dies.  Life as we know it becomes life as we knew it.  She is not done grieving.

Here are four things I’ve come to understand about loss and grief that I believe are particularly relevant to this set of circumstances:

1) None of us is immune to grief.  Period.  It doesn’t matter how old, how young, how wise, how wealthy, how much support, or how ‘having it together’ we might appear, when we lose someone or something that matters to us, we grieve.  Sandberg has not just lost her husband of 11 years, she has lost the normalcy of her everyday life.  She is exploring what it means to be wife today.  It is different than what it meant to be wife just a short time ago.  Only recently she was a COO at Facebook with an avid supporter, her husband David Goldberg.  Today she is a COO at Facebook and David has died.  There is not a handbook for being the COO of Facebook and losing your husband unexpectedly.

2) Grief can be all consuming – from head to toe – body, mind, and spirit.  Individuals may experience health symptoms in conjunction with their grief such as disrupted sleeping patterns – some sleeping more, others experiencing difficulties sleeping.  Some will report challenges making even simple decisions accompanied by a struggle to stay present.  There can be a loss or increase in appetite.  There can be a questioning of beliefs.

3) Grief looks different on everyone.  I don’t know what Sheryl Sandberg’s loss and grief experiences will be.  I just know she’ll be having them.  Maybe her health is fine and she is sleeping well.  Maybe she feels able to make decisions.  Maybe she doesn’t feel distracted.   How she feels today might not be how she feels tomorrow.  Grief is a ride, an often unpredictable ride including unpredictable timelines.

4)  There is no right answer for how long to take before returning to work.  For some, going back to work after a death or other loss can be experienced as very helpful.  The work place offers the familiar.  There can be supportive friends and colleagues.   For others, the busyness of work becomes a way to keep the grief at bay.  But remember, none of us is immune to grief – busyness doesn’t make it go away.  Sometimes distraction is helpful in the short term as we deal with the shock and numbness that often occurs in grief.  It can become unhelpful if we use it to avoid the process of grief.  In addition, those well meaning colleagues can say or do rather unhelpful even hurtful things in the face of grief.  It can also mean avoided conversations, potentially impacting decisions, as individuals steer away from the uncomfortable and awkward.

I offer the following to Facebook and more generally to any organization that has a senior leader who has recently experienced a significant loss:

  • Consider that the grieving individual’s leadership and decision making abilities may be impacted by the grief.
  • Consider others in the organization may avoid the grieving individual in their own efforts to avoid the uncomfortable or awkward.  This may impact the flow of pertinent information.
  • Acknowledge that grief is a process for which the landscape of the grieving individual can change daily, or even within any one particular day, and that the timeline for grieving is fluid.
  • Offer support both to the individual and other employees.  Most of us don’t know how to do grief or how to support a grieving person.  Some education on what the process of grief is and the myriad of ways it can impact an individual could be healthy for your organization.  Bringing awareness to helpful and potentially not so helpful ways to support a grieving colleague might be of value too.
  • Be prepared to make adjustments.  In the case of Sandberg, some have already been made, for example her schedule and travel.  More may be necessary.  The decision making structure and processes may need to be modified temporarily.  As well Sandberg may decide at some point in the future that she does want to take a leave from work.  Support her in that exploration and be willing to step into some difficult or awkward conversations along the way.

In the end it is not about whether Sandberg has gone back to work too quickly, rather I would offer a more appropriate question to ask is:  How can Facebook best support Sheryl Sandberg, honoring wherever she is at with her grieving process, and at the same time acknowledging that her grief may temporarily impact her leadership abilities?


© Dr. Catherine Hajnal 2015. All rights reserved.

How long does healing take?

A recent ankle sprain has me working hard at speeding up my healing.

I’m told “Four to six  weeks – at least – before I can begin to think about doing my regular activities.” Forget about it!  One, two weeks tops!  The brace?  The ice?  Don’t really need ’em .  I can heal better and faster than any statistic.  I’m a good healer!

This experience has given me the opportunity to notice my desire to speed up my healing, to put it on a timeline of my choice.  A couple of observations:

Our language around healing implies there is both timing and an ending to our healing.

“You’ll be healthy in no time!”

“You’ve been sick/grieving/grumpy/sad for long enough now.”  Likely followed by a “Get over it.”

Our many and varied health practitioners frequently give us timelines.

“Give it a week and you should be back to normal.”

Or they offer solutions that imply I can speed up, or at least control my healing.

If I eat the right thing…

If I do the right exercise…

If I take a pill…

If I get a good night’s sleep…

If I meditate…

If I follow these 3 easy steps, I’ll be better in no time.

Many of our policies incorporate timeline and endings as well.

Three days of bereavement leave.  Two weeks of sick leave.  Six months of extended disability leave.

These messages have us believing we can speed up our healing, that we can, at the very least, control it and make it happen to a certain prescribed time window.

The more work I do facilitating bereavement groups, the more I appreciate that the journey of grief – also a healing journey of sorts – takes as long as it takes.  One thing I know for sure – we do not “get over” or “get through” a significant loss in 3 days.  Each individual is different.  Each circumstance is different.  Each set of losses is different.  The accompanying journey and its timing is different.

How long does it take to get over someone?  (If we ever actually “get over”….)

How long does it take to make a career change?

How long does the process of cancer, spinal fusion surgery, or depression take?

Here’s where I’ve landed as I’ve explored my push to heal faster…

My ankle is going to take as long as it takes.  I believe my actions have the capacity to slow down my healing, but I’m realizing they can’t speed up my healing.

I don’t think we have the power to speed up healing – your body , mind, and spirit have their own timelines .  Those timelines could entail minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, or a lifetime!

I do however believe we have the power to enhance our healing.

For example our reflective practices, exercise, living life on purpose, being vulnerable, stepping into rather than away from our emotions – all of these have the potential to encourage and enliven our healing.  This is in no way an exhaustive list – you have your own practices and approaches.  Those may include medications, doctors, counselors, coaches, intuitive readers, or not.  They may include eating certain types of food or not.  Whatever your practices, I don’t believe we can control our healing, but I do believe our actions/choices can be in service of it.  Perhaps a subtle, but I believe significant distinction.

Your invitation – to step into life changes, growth, and healing without strict timelines.  It is not about speed.  It  is about being human.  It is about allowing.

What if we could gracefully give ourselves the time needed for the “stuff” of life?

Text and Images  Copyright © Dr. Catherine Hajnal 2014

Living Your Dash

I can’t remember when I first heard about the poem The Dash  by Linda Ellis.  What I do know is that every time I read it I renew my desire to live my life on purpose –  to continue to do work that feeds my soul, to do one thing a day that scares me (encouraging my evolution), to step into the emotions that feel difficult or uncomfortable, to let the good stuff sink in including expressing gratitude and love, and to see the possibility in whatever is showing up in my life.

Here’s the general gist of the poem.  (I encourage you to read it in its entirety here.)  On a tombstone there is a beginning date and an end date.  In between those two dates is a dash.  That tiny dash represents the fullness of your life.  The question the poem raises is what do you want to do with your dash?

The intention here is not to instill fear of the end-date (the second date on your tombstone).  Stirring up panic and a sense of scarcity of time is not the vibe I personally want to have clouding my dash.  The reality however is we generally don’t know when our end-date is coming.  We imagine living a long and fruitful life and yet anything could happen.

Here’s the approach I’ve taken.  I’ve asked myself what do I want to be doing now so that if I found out I was terminally ill and going to die within a month or two I would have some degree of ease because I had been living my life on purpose, because I had been making choices in awareness of the reality of not knowing when the end will come.  I don’t think it is possible to live without regret (the words that come of my mouth some times – yeesh!), yet I do think it is possible to minimize regret through actions like vulnerability, compassion, empathy, and a willingness to ask for re-do’s or acknowledge mistakes.

Do the people you love and who matter the most to you know it through your words and actions?

Is the work you are doing feeling your spirit – does it make your heart sing?

Are you learning from and in the discomfort that life gives?

Are you being gentle with yourself?  Do you acknowledge your self-worth?

Are you having fun?

I ask these questions not to invoke shame or a sense of “not enough”, rather they are invitations to reflect on how you are living your dash.  You are worthy and enough no matter how you are living your dash.  AND you have agency in how you live your dash.   I realize sometimes it can feel like you have anything but power and possibility in your life.  This is the gentle reminder that there is always choice.  That you can bring “creator” energy to your daily life.

Dream like you’ll life forever.  Live as if you’ll die tomorrow.  ~James Dean

I’ll be speaking on this topic on Sunday February 23rd as part of the service at the Centre For Spiritual Living Vancouver.  Please join me if you are interested in reflecting on how you live your dash.  [11 AM Creekside Community Centre, Olympic Village, Vancouver]

Doing or Saying One Thing A Day That Scares You

With all the writing in the popular press about the New Year and setting resolutions, intentions, or defining goals  I couldn’t help stopping to reflect on how I treat the start of the new year.  I do use it a time of reflection – to stop and look back over the past year and to launch a few intentions, dreams and desires for 2014.  The reality is I do this type of reflecting regularly.  It’s about living my life on purpose.  I stop and ask myself what it means for me in this moment to be “on purpose”.  The New Year is a spark to step into that reflection.

Because I’m reflecting regularly, the outcome is often to renew or reshape some intention I have expressed before.  For example one intention I keep coming back to is Do One Thing a Day That Scares Me.  Here’s why…

That intention has inspired me to be vulnerable.  To speak my truth.  To express my gifts.  To let people know they matter to me.  In summary – to take risks that come from revealing an inner part of myself.  It has indeed been scary.  And wonderful!

When I set that intention at the beginning of 2011 part of me had ideas like bungee jumping and other physical activities in mind.  I had begun reading the work of Brené Brown on vulnerability and shame and I had been studying Non-Violent Communication for a few years, endeavouring to put it into practice.  I came to realize what I had to say and how I reached out for connection – that I reached out for connection period! – were some of the scariest things I could ever do.  Do one thing a day that scares me and Say one thing a day that scares me became interchangeable.

It meant noticing when I hesitated to make a phone call to a potential client, reminding myself of my intention, and then going for it even though I was scared.  It meant submitting proposals for workshops and risking the rejection.  It meant telling the people I love that I love them.  It meant having conversations with a friend with cancer when I was anxious about saying the “wrong” thing.   In all of these cases it could have been easier, less anxious, indeed less scary to just not do anything.

So why did I do them?  Because I had set an intention?  Is that what motivated me?  I set my intention because I was curious about discovering what holds me back in my life.  As I stepped further into that exploration, I discovered that a rather persistent voice was present.  It was so persistent is was almost like white noise.  I didn’t realize it was always there, the default station playing on my inner radio.  And its public service or should I say dis-service message was “I am not enough.”

It is the voice of shame.  It is the voice that can have me feeling “less than”. It is the voice that believes I won’t find connection, that I won’t be liked, that I won’t belong because of some aspect of self.  Powerfully un-empowering stuff!

And so what did I do with this discovery?  In Catherine world I read books on the subject and I take workshops.  And I talk to my “digestors” – a small group of people with whom I feel a sense of safety and being held.  (More on this group in a future post and why you might want to consider having such a group too.)  My curiosity drives my learning and growth. My digestors give me the space to express what is percolating for me in that learning and growth process.  They listen.  They provide empathy.  And when asked, they offer ideas, possibilities, advice, solutions.   Through all of that I integrate.  I endeavour to be gentle with myself.  I move forward.

I’ve learned a great deal about shame and vulnerability in these last few years.  Whatever I learn about myself becomes part of the work that I offer to the world.  It is why I love being a Life Coach.  I get to keep working on me (which even with its trials and tribulations I have a thirst to do) and then share that learning with my clients.

I hope you are seeing the value in stopping to reflect and launching your intentions, dreams, and desires.  They can be an amazing catalyst for what comes next in your life.  So I invite you to reflect on what it means to be “on purpose” in your own life.  And why not consider doing one thing a day that scares you in the coming months?  Wonder where it might take you…

To facilitate your journey I have a few offerings coming up that might be of interest:

1) Four consecutive Monday evenings – a program on vulnerability and shame for men through Manology beginning on January 13th, 2014.  We look at that voice of “I am not enough” and how to strengthen the voice of “I am enough.”  We’ll walk the bridge of shame resilience.

2) A one day workshop entitled “Life is One Big Improv” on March 8, 2014.  This will be an interactive workshop that will blend theory with practice.  We’ll explore shame and vulnerability concepts and then use a variety activities including improvisational theatre techniques as a way to try that learning on.  An opportunity to discover where you hold yourself back – an opportunity to do one thing (or two) that scares you!  A day to celebrate being enough.

More details can be found on my Schedule page.

Warmly and purposefully,





Think about where you were and what you were doing exactly one year ago.  Did you know then what you would be doing right now?  Did you know then what life was going to bring your way in the last 12 months?

Maybe you had an inkling.  Or you set some intentions so you had a rough idea of what you were hoping you’d be doing and where you’d be on the journey of life right now.

But for the most part, we have no way of predicting with clarity exactly what life will hold.  Let me speak for myself anyway – I generally have no idea what I’m going to be doing a year from now.  Yes, I have a plan.  Yes, I set intentions.  And when I launch those intentions out into the Universe I always add “This or something better.”  I’m open in my life to those things that are nowhere on my horizon right now.  I’ve come to love those things – those people – those possibilities – that I can’t image in this moment.

Let me give you an example. I’d just finished my swim at Kits Beach Pool on Saturday late afternoon and was contemplating leftovers.  Checked my phone and there’s an invite to dinner.

Everyday I read something or get a call or email from someone that takes me to an idea, a website, a possibility that wasn’t on the horizon at all before that moment.  And here’s the thing, I want to fully step into those moments.  I want to say yes to those moments. I wanted to say YES to dinner but….

Sometimes the voices of NO are way louder than the voices of YES.  Now sometimes a NO truly is a NO.  But sometimes, and for me often times, the NO is accompanied by the voices of

  • I can’t do that.
  • Not possible.
  • I don’t have experience or the skills.
  • I’m scared.
  • I’m not creative enough.
  • I’m not ________ enough.  Submit your descriptor here! 

In other words the NO is accompanied by some form of resistance.  Sure that resistance is my friend – its trying to keep me safe – but gall darn it – what if that resistance is starting to hold me back?


In my dinner example, the first voices, when I received the invitation were:

  • I’m in yoga pants and my hair is wet – I’m not dressed for a dinner.
  • I don’t have anything with me.  I’ll be showing up empty handed.
  • I don’t know these people that well.  
  • The text came in over an hour ago.  They’ve probably already started.

I stepped in guided by the principles of improvisational theatre or “improv”.  I expressed some of my fears to my potential host.  She said come, just come.  So I showed up empty handed with wet hair and yoga pants.  Met new people.  Had a great time!  Life gave me an offer, or a gift as it is often referred to in improv, and I said YES to it.

If you’d like to learn more about the principles of improv and how you can use them purposefully to live more fully in your life – to say YES to the possibilities that come along – come play with me in Douglas Park in Vancouver this August.  For four consecutive Thursday evenings I’ll be sharing the principles of improv, we’ll be playing some improv games, we’ll be relating it to life, and we’ll be having FUN!  I’ll be teaching a more formal workshop on this in September, and for now, come discover and have fun.  Say YES – to one evening or all four!  Notice any resistance and come anyway.  When you started reading this blog you didn’t know you’d be doing improv in Douglas Park in August…

Details of the August Improv in the Park available here…


No Regrets

It seems that as we approach the end of our lives we have regrets.

I’ve read many books that talked to people who are nearing the end of their lives either because of terminal illness or age.  A common theme is having regrets.

Regrets come in all shapes and sizes –

  • wishing you had said no when you said yes
  • wishing you had said yes when you said no
  • wishing you had resolved that problem with a particular person
  • wishing you had told that person how you felt about him/her
  • wishing you had jumped, taken the risk, when instead you hesitated

The list could go on.  For the most part regrets are about wishing you had taken an action  – whether it is to do or say something – an action different than the one you took.

I try and live my life without regret.  I ask myself with some regularity “If I were to die tomorrow, how do I feel about the choices I’ve made to this moment?”  And then I notice how I feel as I ponder my answer.  I have to say that right now I’m noticing some not so good feelings – those feelings are telling me I have to take some different actions.

I did take some action today.  I wrote am email I’ve been putting off doing for several days – am email that might well lead to the end of an intimate relationship.  Yet now if tomorrow never comes, I shared some things I needed to share.  And it wasn’t about yelling, being angry, or about wishing for something different.  It was about taking responsibility for my own feelings and asking to hear about theirs.

And there is some other action I need to take.  Another friend is, I believe, hanging at the moment because I haven’t responded.  I’ve been avoiding – it feels easier in this moment.  Yet the idea of tomorrow not coming leaves me with a bad flavour in my mouth if I am to leave things with this friend the way they currently stand. It is not a big deal, but it is about speaking my truth and sometimes that can feel vulnerable and scary.  So I’m inviting myself to step into that scary, to be vulnerable, to speak my truth, and know that shifts my feeling of regret.

A person recently asked me “Can you really get to the end and not have regrets?” I don’t know. I’m certainly willing to put the energy into my life, to live it on purpose, to be vulnerable, to speak my truth, and find out.  How about you?